want to become fit and strong when aged? Flavonol-rich foods found helpful

health is more important as we all are familiar with the proverb health is wealth but timely whe aged feel loss in physical strengh and hearing loss aside bye.

Recent studies have revealed that consuming foods abundant in flavonols, such as apples and blackberries, could reduce the risk of developing the latter condition.

this new study conducted at the Marcus Institute for Aging Research, where noted By consuming a daily intake of flavonols, the likelihood of experiencing frailty may be reduced.

in this study found that apples and berries could be most important for frailty prevention,

why Flavonol does matter?

in study flavonol-rich foods is associated with lower levels inflammation and cellular stress

  • cardiovascular disease
  • type 2 diabetes
  • cancer
  • dementia

to to included in diet that has flavonol 

  • blueberries
  • broccoli
  • red onion
  • arugula


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